Can I tell you how excited I am that Spring is finally here in Southern Ontario? I love getting outside, but unfortunately, I’ve inherited fair Eastern European skin. This means I get burned fast. And so I’m very excited to do a LASPA Sunscreen review. Not only do I burn easily but I also have sensitive skin. This means I’m always hesitant to put chemical-heavy moisturizers and sunscreen products on…

When we found out that we were pregnant, at first we were overjoyed. Secondly, we were thinking, “Oh shit… we’re pregnant! As an older first time mom (I was 41), I knew that things wouldn’t be easy. However, I didn’t realize how much they would change. From my body to my mindset, everything would different. And as we all know, change is sometimes hard to accept. To my fellow first…

I feel for you moms that have more than one kid. With our son, my free time is at zero. I can only imagine how crazy life is with more than one kid. I know you desire for “Mom Me Time” and think it’s not doable. But I’m here to tell you self-care for moms is doable! And I’ve got 30 mom me-time ideas for you. We all know free time…

Despite originally thinking about making resolutions for 2018, I have decided to do something different. This year there will be no New Year’s resolutions. There will be something different: setting intentions. Before we delve into the setting intentions approach, how did I do this past year? For half a year, I did pretty well. And then life became very busy and I let a few 2017 resolutions slide. And then…

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