If you’re reading this, you’re seeking some inspiration with Fall self care ideas.
I get it. It’s a crazy time of the year. School’s back in session, summer vacation is over, and it seems like there’s never enough time to focus on yourself.

I feel the same pressure you do! That’s why I’m sharing my self-care tips for the Fall season. Because I don’t want you, my reader, to not take care of yourself.

I’m a Fall baby, so it’s probably no wonder I really love the Autumn season. The nip in the air and the scent of dried leaves, with the occasional whiff of wood smoke in the distance, always bring to mind my childhood.

There’s a sense of slowing down and Fall self-care activities are first and foremost in my mind. These self care tips for the Fall season tie in very nicely with enjoying everything the season has to offer.

You can enjoy the outdoors, but have every reason to cocoon indoors. Practice that hygge life!

Self-care is all about doing things that help your well-being and health. They help you grow as a person. It’s so popular a practice right now for one key reason:

We’re leading busy lives that don’t give us the chance to focus on ourselves.

So it’s time to take a deep breath. Set aside a bit of “me time” and practice some self-care activities for the fall season.

Disclosure: This post contains sponsored product. I recommend products I would use or have used myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post contains affiliate links. I may make a small commission on any purchases you make using these links, at no extra cost to you. Read my full Disclaimer.

1. Slow Down And Smell The Scents Of Fall

I’m starting off with one of the Fall self care ideas that’s probably the most popular, given the huge amount of traffic I see on hiking trails.

OK… so it may be moulding leaves and slight rot, but there’s something in the air when the Fall period arrives that is so distinct.

Very much like Spring (my other favourite season), Fall is dramatic.

The colour of the trees.

The change in the air.

And of course, the changes in the sunlight, all remind us to take in the last bits of the beauty of the outdoors before winter arrives.

It’s no wonder Fall hiking excursions are so popular and one of the best self-care activities. Not to mention, mosquitoes are usually at a minimum at this time of the year.

So take a moment to slow down, stand outside in a forest and take a deep breath. It will do your soul good.

| Related: Beautiful Hiking Trails Near Toronto

Self-care tips for the Fall season: walking in the woods and getting leaves.
Photo by Artur Rutkowski on Unsplash

2. Update Your Thick Wooly Socks

Taking a day off to do a “do nothing day” – just lounging around in comfy clothes and thick socks is one of my favourite Fall self-care ideas.

Take a look through your sock cupboard and see if your current collection needs repair or replacement.

Why? Because when the first nippy day arrives, the best thing to do is to curl up on a sofa under a blanket, wearing your thick wool socks to keep your toes warm, while you drink tea or coffee.

Trust me. Your toes will appreciate this little bit of attention.

3. “Fall Clean” Your Body

You’ve been running around, active outdoors and doing stuff with the family, kids… friends. Whoever. Now, the ravages of the summer sun are on your face. You may have ignored your body for a good soaking and scrubbing.

This self-care tip for the Fall season is a way to prepare your body for what’s to come.

Some of the itchiest times are ahead of you, as the Winter is the worst on your skin.

Start pampering it.

Whether you do a shower or bath session with a loofah sponge, wash off the dead skin.

Splurge on a nice moisturizer and go to town on those problem spots.

The same goes for your face. I like to switch it up and start lightly moisturizing with a day cream that keeps the cold air from drying out my sensitive skin.

Give yourself a dose of self-love – you deserve it. If you don’t believe it, you’ve got to read these self-love quotes.

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4. Learn Something New On A Rainy Day

Whether you decide to stay indoors at home, or if you venture out to a new venue, try to do something that’s educational.

Of my list of favourite Fall self care ideas, this one works your brain.

Personally, my favourite stress-relieving Fall self-care activity is doing a jigsaw puzzle.

Perhaps it’s watching a documentary on a topic that you’ve been meaning to learn more about. Or perhaps you grab your umbrella and check out an exhibit at a local gallery.

Do something that means something to YOU. It’s easy to fall into the trap of a movie or TV series marathon.

But perhaps you can do something that will make you smarter than you were yesterday.

Visiting a museum or art gallery: self-care activities for the Fall season
Photo by gilber franco on Unsplash

| Related: Things To Do During A Snowstorm That Relieve Boredom

5. Unplug For The Day

Many people love this little Fall self-care tip. Actually, they like to do it at any time of the year. I’ve done it too!

The temptation to take a photo of your Pumpkin Spiced Latte with whipped cream, while you’re holding the cup in over a leafy-strewn park lawn is very high.

But put down the phone. Unplug.

Cozy on a sofa, reading a book - Fall self-care tips.
Photo by Karolina Grabowska, Kaboompics

Do a one-day social media detox.

You’ll be surprised at what you find around you. Perhaps you’ll join an interesting conversation. Or you’ll find a book that you haven’t read for a while. Maybe you’ll even get to de-clutter that front hall closet that’s stuffed with junk.

Alternatively, do a “do nothing day” where you just go with the flow. No plans, no goals. Just do what feels good at that moment.

| Related: 30 Mom “Me Time” Moments For Busy Moms

6. Delight Your Senses

Next on my list of Fall self care ideas is one that’s truly delicious.

Give your senses a big dose of attention. Fall is a cornucopia of delights for your senses.

So tap into anything and everything that gives your senses a good workout. Here are several self-care activities that you may want to try out.

Butternut squash soup - self-care tips for the fall season: enjoy delicious foods.
Photo by Cayla1 on Unsplash
  • Eat colourful foods that are being harvested at this time of the year. Think purple cabbage, sweet potatoes, gourds, and squashes.
  • Listen to soothing nature music while taking a bath.
  • Enjoy a Fall-inspired spice scent as an essential oil diffuser. Cinnamon is my favourite.
  • Surround yourself with colour in the home. Add splashes of pumpkin hues for brightness.
  • Light up your home with candles. Twinkle lights also do well in dispelling the darkness from corners.
  • Bring out soft sweaters and blankets to wrap around your body.

If you decide to do these things for self-care in the Fall period, you’ll have a lovely time before heading into the Winter period.

PRO TIP: Change up your phone’s lock screen for the Fall. Get into the mood visually with one of these: Fall wallpapers for iPhone.

7. Connect With Friends Before The Holiday Rush

One of the smartest Fall self-care tips – reconnect with family and friends!

Chances are you won’t be able to meet up with friends over the Holiday period. Inevitably there are family gatherings that take precedence over get-togethers with friends.

Whether it’s over a coffee, glass of wine or beer, enjoy time to catch up and close up the year with time together.

This is also the perfect time to let bygones be bygones.

Bring in Christmas and the New Year on a happy note with a clear heart and soul. Woman up and say sorry when needed.

| Related: 10 Tips On How To Survive The Holidays Stress-Free

8. Sign-Up For Dance Lessons

My favourite self-care tip for the Fall season! Chances are you aren’t doing your usual summer activities to keep in shape.

And if you’re like me, rainy days aren’t your favourite for walks. So to keep in shape and have fun at the same time, consider signing up for dance lessons.

Personally, I like salsa dancing. I took salsa dance lessons several times during the Fall period about 10 years ago, and I always remember how great I felt after each session.

Not only was it a social event, where I got to know new people (and made some good salsa-dancing friendships), but I managed to keep my weight down before the busy Holiday eating period. Win-win!

9. Write Down What You’re Grateful For

This is one of the hardest self-care tips for Fall because it requires you to really think about what’s going on in your life.

Take one piece of paper and a pen. Find a quiet spot in your home and think about the top five great things in your life. It’s so easy to think about everything that’s negative. But it’s harder to realize that we also have so much good – even if it’s small stuff – to be happy about.

The Thanksgiving Holiday is the perfect time to do this. Even before you start writing resolutions for the new year, it’s good to reflect on what’s good in your life.

Place that piece of paper on your fridge. The next time you’re in a lousy mood, look at that piece of paper again.

Alternatively, if you’re feeling like you need to be writing more in general, start a journal. You don’t have to wait for the new year to make a resolution to be more mindful of your life.

Grab this Born To Be Wild notebook from my shop, Spruce and Heron (ships in Canada only), to get you started:

10. Forecast Your Finances & Prepare A Holiday Budget

Christmas always creeps up fast like a thief, stealing not only time but our money. This tip may seem like a painful self-care activity during the lovely Fall season, but trust me, you will reap the rewards later.

I like to take a moment in the Fall period to forecast our finances and set aside a budget for gifts, and for entertaining family and friends. Try to stick to it as much as you can.

Why? In January you’ll be so thankful that you did this in October/November. Chances are you won’t have the January woes.

You’ll be able to head out to splurge on a pricey cup of coffee on a cold, snowy day. Or to shop those crazy post-Holiday deals.

Maybe you’ll even have a bit left over for a short trip somewhere warm. OOHH!! Wouldn’t that be nice?

It may seem painful to do, but this financial self-care in the Fall really helps you deal with the issues of having enough saved for nice things in the winter.

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Many More Fall Self Care Ideas

There are so many more things you can do easily in the Fall period that help you find your balance in life.

I find the Fall is one of the most hectic times of the year, especially since I became a homeowner.

There are things to prep outside the house. Inside, you’re getting ready for the Holidays, planning get-togethers, Holiday shopping, and so many more productive jobs.

One of the fastest ways to get sick is to burn out. Taking a moment to stop, relax and do something good for yourself helps your body and mind prep for the winter ahead. So get on with those self-care activities for the Fall period and enjoy life for a change!

Heading into Winter? Check out these 10 Winter Self-Care Ideas to get you through the gloomy months.

QUESTION: What else would you add to this list of Fall self-care ideas?



Margaret Bourne is a blog coach and strategist, with over 18 years of experience in marketing and public relations. She helps aspiring bloggers build and grow professional online businesses. A wife, and mom to a little boy, she also occasionally shares lifestyle-related stories through her Suburban Tourist blog.


  1. Love these tips for Fall (oh how I wish they called it Fall here in the UK, It sounds so much more romantic). Especially the Unplug for the day, such a great way to have some me time.

    • And I like how it’s called Autumn! We can switch. 😀 glad you liked the tips. I’m trying to implement them in the coming weeks but it will be interesting to do with a bossy 3 year old.

  2. Have you heard of dry brushing? I started a few months ago, and I feel like it’s the perfect fall pick me up. Exfoliate that skin. Take a long shower after a long walk. :)

    Lovely advice, thanks for the tips!

  3. Hi! I love this list. I would recommend getting a mani and pedi still! Just because it’s cool and you hide your toes in wooly socks doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get one! It’s so relaxing

  4. Love dancing! Even dancing in the kitchen while doing the dishes is an uplifting experience :) Writing a list of what you are grateful for is something I enjoy too. This is a great list – thanks for sharing!

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