Visiting Petroglyphs Provincial Park: A Sacred Place

Ever since I was a little girl, the idea of visiting Petroglyphs Provincial Park near Peterborough, Ontario, was something that I had on my unofficial travel bucket list. This park has historic rock carvings by Algonquin or Iroquoian-speaking people, dating back to well over 1,000 years ago.
Not only is it special because of its age, but the number of rock carvings. With over 1,200 it’s the largest collection of such carvings in Ontario by First Nations people.
Visiting Petroglyphs Provincial Park is special. For First Nations people it is still a sacred place. This is why, out of respect, we didn’t take photos of the location and the carvings, protected by a glass building.
Petroglyphs Provincial Park In the Summer: Bring Bugspray
Depending on when you visit, you may end up having to swat at deer flies and mosquitoes. Our visited landed at the end of June, when we were driving around just south of Algonquin Park. The flies were EVERYWHERE. As soon as we stopped our car, it was enveloped by flies. Quickly opening and closing our door, with hoodie-wrapped heads, we ran from the parking lot to the nearby Visitor Centre.
Inside is a display of the rock carving images with explanations and content. It shows the First Nations beliefs and way of thinking about the world.
The Learning Place, as it’s called by the Curve Lake First Nation, which manages the place, is a brief reprieve from bugs. However, you know that you need to venture outside once again to get to the petroglyphs.
Once you reach the protective building, you are greeted by park personnel. They’re knowledgeable, sharing the story of the rock and its special carvings. Our guide spent a good half-hour showing us the special carvings. We saw those of shamans, birds, turtles, snakes, other animals, and the Great Spirit.
You learn that the First Nations still visit this rock for ceremonies and consider it a sacred place. They believe that the rock crevices lead to a spiritual underworld. Under the rock is a trickle of water that can be head. The First Nations people believe this is the sound of Spirits speaking. It truly feels special when you are on-site – almost like an energy that is running through you.
Seeing the rock in person, it worth it. The vastness and the number of rock carvings are worth the discomfort of swatting away flies. Even if they’re eating a chunk out of yoU!
Add it to your bucket list!
When To Visit Petroglyphs Provincial Park
Visiting Petroglyphs Provincial Park is dependent on when it’s open – usually mid-May through to Thanksgiving weekend (early-October). It’s open between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.
It is located northeast from Peterborough, Ontario, which also has the Canadian Canoe Museum.
QUESTION: Have you ever visited Petroglyphs Provincial Park? What did you experience when on-site?
I’m wondering if you have tried traveling through the ParkBus system. I found this service just this past summer and have not used it but thought it was a fantastic idea for those who did not own a car, or did not drive.
I’ve heard about it and know people who use it – namely Preston from My husband enjoys driving, so I don’t take away the opportunity for him to do so, but I do see the benefit of the Park Bus system. It’s very handy for Torontonians who, as you say, don’t own a car or don’t drive.