Tips For Safe Driving At Night To The Cottage Or Campsite

I admit it. I’m not a big fan of driving at night to a campsite or a cottage. I’ve done it before and it’s always a white-knuckle drive for me.
Why is it always so much more dangerous, or at least perceived to be dangerous if you’re heading into cottage country? In the dark. Complete darkness with maybe the Milky Way to light your route?
I’ll share my story and tips on what to do to make it a slightly more safer, driving at night to a cottage or campground on a Friday night.
A Dark Night Drive To Petawawa, Ontario
Hail Mary, full of grace. This was the prayer that was running through my mind during one of our trips up from the Toronto area to Petawawa, Ontario on a summer night. I was praying for a safe drive to my husband’s aunt and uncle’s cottage.
It was a Friday night and we were heading east on Highway 401 and up Highway 41 in complete darkness.
This route is not so scary when the sun is setting and you are dodging crazy drivers on Highway 401 near Greater Napanee. However, once you reach the unlit stretch of Highway 41, it’s white-knuckle turns, curves, and darkness.
South of Eganville, there are curvy, winding roads. The highway passes through the beautiful Bonnechere Valley and Madawska River areas. It was through this region that we were constantly turning, going up hills and hitting blind curves in the dark.
We had pitch blackness with only the reflectors lighting up the guardrails, guiding us along. This area has few soft shoulders to use to stop.
Opportunities to pass are few and far in between, due to the hilly and curvy roads. As well you drive for quite some time before you see any signs of civilization.
| Related: Five Things You’ll See On Road Trips In Ontario
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Watch Out For Animals And Drivers In A Rush
It’s not only the black night that keeps your eyes peeled to the road. You fear of deer or moose that may jump up and slam into your car. The signs warn you every few kilometres.
We saw a wolf that popped up from a ditch close to the highway. Further on, a red fox who tried to make a run across the road. He smartly changed his mind and most likely saved himself from certain death.
The worst you encounter on these country roads is the pesky tailgater that isn’t gutsy enough to pass you because it’s too dark.
With their lights blinding you, this type of driver will drive up so close behind your car that you can see his/her license plate.
But because they can’t see you giving them the middle finger all that well, there’s not much you can do.
As we preferred to arrive safely rather than quickly at our destination, we were driving the speed limit of 80 km/hour. However, the people behind us were definitely in a rush.
At one point we had a row of eight cars and trucks playing follow the leader. For them, it was beneficial to follow us, as we were the brave leader in the front dealing with the darkness and giving direction in terms of curves and hills.
They weren’t so lucky with us. We kept letting them pass us by, as we didn’t want those annoying headlights in our rearview mirror!
Tips For Safe Driving At Night To The Cottage
- Dark country roads on a Friday night are not the time for you to show off how fast you can get to the cottage. Take your time, go the speed limit and arrive safely to enjoy a beautiful Saturday morning.
- Driving at night means you need to also be less of a daredevil. Don’t pass somebody if you’re not sure of the road or what’s ahead of you.
- To get rid of the tailgater or a conga line of cars behind you, go the speed limit. There’s nothing more annoying than a car in front of you that follows the rules of the road when you are trying to get to that cottage of yours ASAP! So, if you have a tailgater, slow down and at the next safe spot to pass, he/she will finally get fed up with your slow but steady pace and pass you.
- Use small towns as an opportunity to let the tailgater/conga line pass you. Slow down when you start to see a town in the distance and pull into a driveway or store parking lot. You will at least get a reprieve for a little while before the next “must-get-to-the-cottage-ASAP!” driver starts tailgating you.
- Listen to music, but be careful of your genre selection. While relaxing music may help with your stress level on your white-knuckle drive, it may also put you to sleep. We were listening to mostly alternative and rock music with a catchy beat.
- Keep an eye out for movement along the roadside. Animals can pop out unexpectedly. If it’s a small animal, don’t brake. You may skid off the road or have somebody slam into the back of you if you’re in that dreaded conga line.
- If you’re getting tired, switch driving duty with one of your passengers. Take a nap if you can.
Driving At Night Safely Means You Arrive Alive
If it takes you an hour or two longer to arrive at your cottage or camping destination, it’s worthwhile practicing safe night driving techniques.
You may come across as a worrier to your passengers, but at the end of the trip, everybody gets there safely.
And remember, don’t leave home without these key things you need for any road trip!
QUESTION: What are your tips for driving at night to cottage country? Have you had any scary experiences during your trips?
Tried the “shortcut” along what’s called the New Ross Road, somewhere between Bridgewater NS and the Annapolis Valley, New Minas, Kentville etc. Drove in the dark with headlights behind me, never again, twisty turny roads. Stick to the 100 series highways in other words, it’s no crime to have to head east to Halifax and north to Annapolis, probably quicker too.
The same holds true even in daytime, one doesn’t want to give in, but if I’m on a two lane stretch of even flat highway and I have a procession of speeders behind me, I will pull over in the next town. Let someone else do the work while I hang back. One doesn’t need stress while pleasure driving.
Ron – agree with you completely. My husband, who does most of the driving during our road trips, hates people tailing him. He always pulls over to let them pass.