Thirty Mom Me Time Ideas For Relaxation

I feel for you moms that have more than one kid. With our son, my free time is at zero. I can only imagine how crazy life is with more than one kid. I know you desire for “Mom Me Time” and think it’s not doable. But I’m here to tell you self-care for moms is doable! And I’ve got 30 mom me-time ideas for you.
We all know free time is a luxury when you’re a parent. As an older mom, when our son was a baby it was harder to get used to this fact.
I’m a bit better now at sneaking in mom me time and focusing on self-care. But it’s still hard, and I sometimes feel guilty when I step away from my role as mom.
I hope you’ll find some inspiration in these mom self-care ideas and have a bit of relaxation from time to time.
But why is it so important for you to take a break?
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Alone Time For Moms Is Key To Better Mental Health
It’s so important to give alone time for moms or let them do what they like outside of parenting. If only for the simple reason of mental health.
Self-care for moms is one of the key things that help them keep sane! There’s been much written about this topic and how to find alone “mom me time”. In particular, just after giving birth can be very tough. Lack of sleep, constant feedings, changing diapers and the need to ensure baby is fine can lead to depression. I’ve been there.
Your spouse/partner is often key in giving you a break. I often ask my husband Frank to take care of our little guy for a few minutes. It gives him one-on-one time with him, something that I do most of the time anyway.
When your significant other isn’t around to help out, parents, in-laws and other family members can be a big help. Don’t be afraid to ask! Just remember to say thank you in moments of sanity.
All This Free Time… What Do I Do?
But what do you do when you get the time?
Use it wisely. This may mean setting your child up with the iPad and YouTube Kids for a half hour (just make sure you’ve blocked videos you find annoying or you don’t want them to see). Or giving them a new toy or some new reading material to keep them occupied.
I find doing something I would have done pre-kiddo the most satisfying. I’m reconnecting with my old self, even if it’s for a few minutes.
I remind myself that although I’m a mom, there are other things that make me, me. And I’m taking some time for self-care, whenever I can. Call me selfish if you like, but it does make me a better mommy!
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Mom Me Time If You Have 5 To 10 Minutes To Yourself
By no means a definitive list! A few ways to enjoy “mom me time” when you have 5 to 10 minutes to themselves.
- Sneak in a few minutes of reading your book.
- This is the easiest way of self-care: give yourself a hand massage with a scented hand cream.
- Do a few yoga stretches to work out kinks in your muscles.
- Close your eyes and breathe deeply, while sitting in a comfortable spot.
- Have a treat! Coffee or tea and a cookie/piece of cake is a favourite. Zavida Coffee is my guilty pleasure every day.
- File your nails.
- Put on some make-up if you haven’t had the chance to do it in the morning. You will feel more put together.
- Lay down on a sofa or bed and take a breather. Don’t think about anything you need to get done.
- Call a friend for a quick touch-base without your kid screaming in the background.
- Enjoy a bowl of your favourite ice cream. You deserve it.
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Mom Me Time If You Have 30 Minutes To Yourself
More than a few minutes!
However, any more than 30 minutes may be stretching it.
These mom-me-time ideas will give you a bit of relief when you’ve been feeling run down.
- Take a long shower with your favourite body wash.
- Go for a short walk around your neighbourhood for exercise.
- Catch up on your favourite sitcom.
- Online shop!
- Put on a facial mask.
- Take a power nap. Twenty minutes are all you need. The other 10 minutes is to luxuriate under the covers without your child demanding your attention.
- Meditate. Put on some calming music and soothe your soul.
- Grab your camera and enjoy taking photos of something other than your kid(s).
- Spend some time in a garden. Smell the roses.
- Knit, embroider or do your favourite craft.
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Me Time For Moms If You Have More Than A Hour
Oh my! This is truly a special day.
When do we have this kind of luxury? Instead of just a mom’s night out or visit to hair salon, why not try something different?
These mom me time ideas are just a few things you can do, and in most cases, they don’t break the bank.
- Indulge in working on your hobby.
- Play tourist in your own town. Visit the attractions and window shop.
- Visit a garden centre and plan your garden/indoor plants.
- Do a course: photography, pottery, DIY, cooking, etc.
- Read a book in a park with a picnic for one.
- Hit up a conservation area and go for a hike with a friend: it’s a good stress reliever.
- Have lunch with your oldest friend.
- Do a beauty consult to update your makeup.
- Get pampered at a spa for a half-day or full-day of treatments.
- Do a winery tour and stock up on those much-needed bottles of wine.
- Do High Tea at a fine dining establishment with your mom/mother-in-law, especially if they usually babysit your kid(s).
Fit Mom Me Time In For Your Sanity & Give Some Time To Dad As Well
Whether you do it once a day, once a week or once a month, make self-care a priority. Make it work and make it count. Again, look to others to support you. You aren’t the lone parent if you are in a relationship. Dad can help out too. And of course, family is a resource as well.
Do remember that Dads also need a break occasionally. They may be working a tough job and at the end of the day, they need to find themselves as well. But that’s for another post…
For more ideas on things you can do, you may want to look at my post about waiting at the airport for inspiration (the ideas might work for your “me time” too!)
And if you’re looking for gift ideas for new moms, so that they can sneak in some “Me Time” I’ve also crafted a list that may help you.
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Note: All images are stock photos from Styled Stock Society, Unsplash and This busy mommy has little free time for photography!
I love that you’ve split the list of ideas up by time available. With 3 kids that are 5 and under, I don’t often get more than 5-10 minutes, so those ideas are great!
Me time is so important and I don’t feel selfish saying that. Having 3 kids all with different needs and trying to run my blog and business takes a lot of time. It is hard to take care of others before we take care of ourselves first.
So very true! Especially true if youโre feeling tired, sick… have a bad migraine. Canโt take a day off!
I always look for ways to relax. Believe it or not, just walking around the supermarket or a big box store relaxes me. Idk why, but I enjoy shopping because I feel like its me time. lol
I did this yesterday – I was doing grocery shopping without the little guy and wow, it was relaxing!
Yes, yes, yes. we need more me time for moms! Great list and I love how you broke it up into amounts of time.