11 Ways Moms Keep Organized And Their S*&T Together

I have one kid, and there are some times that by the end of the day I feel like I’m losing it. When it comes to more than one kid, like let’s say, three or more, I know how tough it for moms to keep organized and their shit together.
You have some amazing solutions on how to become an organized mom, every day. These life hacks and organizational tips really do work and it’s not only parents who can use them!
The Many Ways Moms Keep Organized
The tips are plentiful. Any life hack that you can pick up and incorporate into your household is a great time and energy-saver. It helps you reduce the craziness of life.
However, there is more to keeping your shit together throughout the day. It involves not only life hacks, but also a way of doing things.
For those who are struggling to find balance, here are some ways to be an organized mom and keep it together.
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1. Have Routines For Yourself, Not Just Your Kids
Just as much as kids need routines to keep their shit together, so do parents. Chaos can throw anybody off their game, and for moms, this is so true. The easiest way to be an organized mom is to follow a weekday and weekend schedule.
This may require some time blocking on a daily calendar or to-do list.
We have a weekday routine with your son that works like a charm. After sending daddy off to work, our son has his breakfast. After this, I sneak in a coffee while he starts playing with his toys.
To make it a lovely ritual routine, I use my favourite cup each and every day.
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2.Wake Up Earlier Than Everybody Else & Get Ready First
I’ve contemplated starting to do this crazy thing to be an organized mom. What, you may be asking, is the crazy thing.
Simple. Foregoing an extra half hour of sleep.
I understand now why my grandmother would wake up at 4 a.m. and get things started for the day. We were blessed to have my mom’s parents live with us. My grandmother played a very active role in keeping the house going while both of my parents worked. She would wake early to get breakfast started and make sure everybody had lunches for work or school. She also took a moment in the morning to say a little prayer, make her daily to-do list and get herself set for the day.
Although the temptation to sleep in just a bit is sometimes great, taking even 15 minutes to yourself as a mom to wake up and write down a little daily to-do list will make a difference.
Add a routine (see how I connect this one?) to your earlier morning wake up. Either keep that time for some spirituality, to get organized with a to-do list or to make a cup of coffee or tea for yourself. Hit the shower first. Get dressed. Clear your head and get ready to take on the day!
3. Take A Moment To Yourself
Being on all day is CRAZY. Take a break mom! You can’t be expected to take care of everybody all the time. If you make it a routine that’s even better.
If you’re a working mom, use your lunch break to take a BREAK. Don’t work through it.
As for moms who stay at home with little kids, give them a short period of screen time to take a break for themselves.
I like to take a half-hour maximum to give my son a bit of iPad screen time.
During that period, I grab a cup of coffee, catch up on the news and sometimes get started on dinner prep.
Make it into a routine, at a set time. This way you and your kids have something to look forward to each day.
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4. Delegate Tasks To Kids & Your Significant Other
If there’s something that your child can easily do, give them the responsibility to manage it! Small kids love to be the keepers of a certain activity. You may have to play up the importance of doing something as simple as setting their own place setting or cleaning up their toys. No matter what it is, the outcome is that you have one less thing to worry about.
The same applies to your significant other. When it comes to the end of the day, is there something they can help you with, with your child(ren)? Perhaps it’s taking the job of getting them to bed while you clean up dishes and the kitchen after dinner. This is a great way to get some one-on-one time with the kids. Or switch it up: it’s you putting the kids to bed while your significant other does the cleanup.
Make it a set activity and role and it will be easier for you to maintain this organized life.
5. Do A Load Of Laundry A Day
Although some people choose to do their laundry on the weekend, I think this is a mistake. Why be chained to your house on the weekend when you can be enjoying it with your family?
Doing a load of laundry a day, either first thing in the morning or after the kids are in bed, ensures you’ve got clean clothes and more time on weekends. Another good idea is to do it while you’re watching TV in the evening. Take some time for entertainment while you do one load.
Use a two-laundry basket system to prioritize what needs to be washed first.
A great way I’ve seen some moms keep organized is to use two laundry baskets. One basket is for items that need immediate attention and the other for clothes or towels that aren’t needed ASAP. This way you prioritize the laundry so that you aren’t freaking out when you’re out of fresh undies for you or your family.
6. Multi-Task While Kids Are Taking A Bath
I started doing this a little while ago and it really keeps the bathroom looking cleaner than normal. Many moms are using this simple multi-tasking activity to keep organized.
While their child or kids are in the bathtub, moms are taking the time to do a quick clean-up of the counter, faucet and sink and toilet. You may not have time to clean everything, but at least it’s a quick once-over. That’s better than letting the grime pile on.
Another thing you can do is switch out towels or fold fresh ones. Re-fill your bathroom toilet paper rolls and other items such as cotton balls or cotton swabs.
Sometimes it’s something as simple as cleaning your baseboards which inevitably get a yellowish layer of grime, dust, and hairs all over them. Gross as it sounds, this is the perfect time to do a quick swiping with a disinfectant cloth.
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7. Do Your Grocery Shopping Online
I know that many moms keep organized by doing online shopping. A great way to keep organized, and on- budget for one of the biggest weekly purchases, is to shop for groceries online.
Not only do you keep impulse buys at a minimum, but you also shave off at least an hour and a half of physical shopping. The half-hour accounts for the time you need to get your kid(s) dressed and in the car and into the store without mishaps.
Shopping online also ensures you don’t miss anything on your grocery list!
8. Have A Dedicated Spot For Important Or Often-Used Items
One of the easiest ways to keep yourself organized as a mom is to know where things are! There was a time when my husband kept losing his measuring tape. He would often say that I moved it, even though he would be the one who would misplace it.
So I implemented a designated spot for his measuring tape in our living room. To make it easier, I got him a second measuring tape and found a designated spot in one of our upstairs bedrooms. PROBLEM SOLVED. He got used to looking for these items in these spots.
The same can apply to anything from baby wipes and diapers, to scissors and tape or pens and a pad of paper. If you keep essentials in specific spots, you won’t have to run around the house looking for them.
Kids are notorious for picking up items and misplacing them after they finish “playing” with them.
By creating dedicated spots, out of reach of little hands, you’re more organized and don’t lose your shit looking for a missing item.
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9. Use A Notebook Or List-Making App
Probably one of the things that every mom will use at some point in her life to keep organized is a little notebook or notepad to write down a list of things to do or purchase.
Lists rule our mom lives. Just think about it:
- Shopping lists
- Chore lists
- Repair lists
- Activity lists – lessons, family visits, family excursions
- Travel and packing lists
The list goes on! Hahaha!
The easiest way to become an organized mom is to keep a notebook or notepad with you within reach. Alternately, there are numerous list apps for your phone that you may want to try out.
10. Keep Essentials In Labelled Storage Boxes
Whether you have a pantry or a mudroom with storage space, organize the shit of out it! Don’t just look at the pretty pictures of organized closets and pantries, do it.
I used small, clear boxes with lids, added labels to them and stored small items that are always needed. Things I put in them include:
- tape
- glue
- string
- cleaning supplies (micro-fibre wipes, magic eraser etc.)
- furniture felt pads
- Crazy glue
- fasteners, bungee cords
- replacement light bulbs
- any special tools for appliances (labelled)
- WD-40
The list could be endless. These are items that get lost in a cupboard, taking up precious space. Instead, they are nicely stacked and labelled on shelves in my laundry/mud room, located right off of my kitchen area. They are easily accessible and I don’t have to look for them in a box in my basement.
I think many moms are like me – they want to be super organized with all their knick-knacks and small items. No wonder we are drawn to the likes of Marie Kondo and her de-cluttering ways.
Another great tip: have one backup item of key essentials for daily use such as Ziploc bags, garbage or recycling bags, liquid dish detergent, laundry detergent and softener, tissue box and paper towel stored nearby in a closet or mud room.
This shaves off time from going shopping or even running to your other storage areas in the house. Efficiency rules!
11. Meal Prep In Advance
This is one of the top tips everybody shares for keeping moms organized. I have to add it here because meal prep is the biggest time-suck for parents. If there’s a way to make it easier for you, I’m here to share the idea.
For some, doing a big cook-up on Sunday evening is the way to go.
These meals can be easily reheated or modified and can shave off so much time in meal prep each night. Freeze pre-prepared portions and pop into the microwave to heat up.
If you know you’re planning to make a meat dish in the evening, defrost frozen meats by placing them in the fridge the night before. If you forgot, place them on the top shelf in your fridge in the morning. It’s usually the warmest spot in the fridge.
As for veggies and fruits: cut them up and have them ready to go for meals throughout the week. We like to “process” them as soon as possible when we bring them home from the store.
This is as simple as cutting up florets of broccoli, peeling carrots, slicing peppers and cutting stems off of strawberries. They’re one step closer to being used in recipes and reduce prep time by 5 to 10 minutes.
Whether you prep your ingredients for dinner in the morning before leaving for work or the night before, the ultimate outcome is that you’re a less stressed and more organized mom.
So Many Other Ways Moms Keep Organized
Even if you’re not a parent, there are many other ways to be organized and keep your life as chaos-free as possible. BabyCenter has a great list for parents that anybody can adopt. They’re common sense things to do around the house and life hacks that help get you organized.
As for getting organized, take one room at a time. Is there anything that you do in that room that drives you nuts?
Can you store some things in cabinets or closets that you need on hand all the time?
Is there an activity that you always do and it’s awkward or requires items stored in other rooms?
Streamline, stock up and organize yourself so that daily activities are easier on you and others! This reduces the whining, calls of “Mommmmyyy!” and chaos.
There you go… all the different ways moms keep organized!
QUESTION: What’s your favourite mom hack for keeping organized?
Love these tips! I have always loved having a routine, now that I have a baby I find it more important than ever if I want to be productive. Also getting things done when everyone else is asleep is amazing!
I liked sneaking in chores when the kiddo is napping, but sometimes need one myself!
This is my life right now. I do most on the list already like clean nthe bathroom while their in the tub (best time!!), Meal prep and online grocery shopping but I haven’t figured out a routine. I wish I could get up before my babies but they wake up at the crack of dawn and I’m so tired all the time.
Iโve thrown out our routine during the summer and probably shouldnโt have! I think it wouldโve helped me from going batt shit crazy lol.
Haha! Mine wakes up early too. I really should begin waking up at 4 am to be up before him.
Oh oh! Iโve heard some moms try to get the routine started again one week prior to school starting.
I havenโt thought of ordering online! I should since it will save me from overspending lol
Weโre getting into doing this more. Especially during winter and it helps immensely. Also reduces embarrassing kid meltdowns and โI want this!!!โ moments.
These are honestly some of the best and most creative tips I have ever read- no lie! I love the idea of multitasking when they’re in the bath. I feel like that would be a great time for me to fold laundry while sitting right next to them. Thank you for this!
I love these tips. I am always looking for ways to be more organized I am such a scatter brain. Thanks for sharing!
I love these tips! I am usually up at 3am… I teach English lessons online, eat breakfast, and do the dishes before anyone else gets up!
I used to do such a good job waking up early, now I constantly hit snooze. I really need to get back into that habit, as well as making routines for myself! Thank you for the amazing suggestions.
I needed to hear all of this! This weekend, I’m going to make a little weekend project out of #10. Getting all of our knick-knacks and small items organized will make a quick difference in the house.
Great tips! I agree with all of this!!
Definitely will! I have to do this on a regular basis. It seems everything gets misplaced or cluttered around here.
You’re welcome! It’s tough, but even 15 minutes to yourself can make a difference. :)
Wow! When do you get to sleep?
You are most welcome. It’s always great to get new ideas to stay organized! It’s why the topic is so popular! Hello KonMari!
I’ve just started doing this and my bathroom is MUCH cleaner, more often!
Yess such great tips! My morning routine definitely keeps me sane!
These tips are awesome! As a mom of an infant and a school aged little one it’s always great to find tips that make this mommy life easier! Thanks so much for putting this list together!
Glad to be of help! I know how tough it can be balancing it all, and wanted to share what works for us.