Parenting isn't easy. How do you keep your cool all day long if the kids are driving you crazy and there are so many things to do. I share 11 ways moms keep organized and keep their shit together. Learn about routines for kids and parents alike, organizational tips and ways of doing things that make life just a bit easier. #parenting #parentingtips #momlife #motherhood #momtips #motherhoodtips #organizing #routines

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  1. Love these tips! I have always loved having a routine, now that I have a baby I find it more important than ever if I want to be productive. Also getting things done when everyone else is asleep is amazing!

  2. This is my life right now. I do most on the list already like clean nthe bathroom while their in the tub (best time!!), Meal prep and online grocery shopping but I haven’t figured out a routine. I wish I could get up before my babies but they wake up at the crack of dawn and I’m so tired all the time.

  3. I’ve thrown out our routine during the summer and probably shouldn’t have! I think it would’ve helped me from going batt shit crazy lol.

    1. We’re getting into doing this more. Especially during winter and it helps immensely. Also reduces embarrassing kid meltdowns and “I want this!!!” moments.

  4. These are honestly some of the best and most creative tips I have ever read- no lie! I love the idea of multitasking when they’re in the bath. I feel like that would be a great time for me to fold laundry while sitting right next to them. Thank you for this!

  5. I love these tips! I am usually up at 3am… I teach English lessons online, eat breakfast, and do the dishes before anyone else gets up!

  6. I used to do such a good job waking up early, now I constantly hit snooze. I really need to get back into that habit, as well as making routines for myself! Thank you for the amazing suggestions.

  7. I needed to hear all of this! This weekend, I’m going to make a little weekend project out of #10. Getting all of our knick-knacks and small items organized will make a quick difference in the house.