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When we hit our 40s, there are a number of feelings we may be experiencing. One that almost all have is the need to change the direction of our lives. You’re reading this because you want to learn how to reinvent yourself at 40 and beyond.
I’m sharing five steps based on my own personal story – how I went from struggling and insecure in my 30s to feeling like I had “come into my own” in my 40s.
I now know who I am, what I stand for, what I’m capable of, and what value I give to the world.
I’m much happier in my 40s than I was in my 20s and 30s.
I want to share this feeling with others, helping them find and reinvent themselves into their true, best self.
Because it’s doable!
This guide is by no means the only way to find your true self, however, it’s a good starting point and will help you as you plan for the next 40+ years of your life!
Disclosure: I am not a licensed psychologist or specialist healthcare professional. This post is lifestyle information and should not be seen as life advice. This post contains sponsored product. This post may contain affiliate links. I may make a small commission on any purchases you make using these links, at no extra cost to you. Read my full Disclaimer.
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How I Changed My Life At 40 (Actually 41)
It all happened when I became a first-time mom at 41 years old. I was dealing with all the ups and downs of being a mom and adjusting to a new addition to our family.
My job was burning me out – and the one I was in was a toxic workplace that didn’t value me as an individual. Working in PR for so many years was no longer exciting either.
I desperately needed a change – a reinvention of the tired, burnt-out woman I had become. When the breaking point came, it was a relief.
- I took the time to decide on what to let go in my life
- I stopped feeling guilty about not being perfect (in somebody else’s eyes)
- I determined what was best about me, and what my weaknesses were
- I found what I was passionate about
- I challenged myself to start something exciting for ME
- I adopted a “f-you, I’ll show you” attitude that keeps me going no matter the challenge
- I found myself thriving and managing what life threw at me, much more easily
My 40’s are almost coming to a close and I can say that I’ve loved them.
Life is never perfect and easy. However, if your mindset and your approach to life can handle it, it’s much easier to be happier in your 40s.
I want this feeling that I have to be what you feel: excited with what the day brings, and what you can accomplish being your wonderful YOU!
How To Reinvent Yourself At 40 In 5 Simple Steps
While your journey may be a bit different than mine, you may want to follow these five steps.
When you do things in steps – in a process – it’s easier to get to your goal: finding yourself again.
Let’s jump in and get you started.
1. Do A Personal SWOT Analysis
You can’t make changes if you don’t know the lay of the land.
While many think of business and companies when the acronym “SWOT” comes up, you can do one for yourself as well.
You’re looking at Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
So how do you do one for yourself?
- Strengths: what are you good at? Your skill set? What do people think are your “superpowers”?
- Weaknesses: what do you do poorly? What do you feel you need to do better in life? What skills do you need to learn?
- Opportunities: what opportunities do you see in your life? New skills or hobbies you want to learn?
- Threats: what’s stopping you from going after opportunities?
Write these down. It may take you a little while of introspective thinking but it’s a good exercise to do every once in a while.
TIP: Give yourself a pat on your back for all the strengths you’ve got!
2. Shed What’s Holding You Back & Fix What’s Broken
Are you dragging along with you an albatross around your neck? A burden that’s keeping you from moving forward with your reinvention?
This could be anything from feeling like an imposter, to toxic things in your life like bad relationships.
Something may be broken too: relationships with family members can greatly affect your mood and focus.
Perhaps failures are holding you back. For example, at one time I had a bad, toxic work environment where my boss had assassinated my character in front of my colleagues who reported to me. It can be extremely devastating to one’s morale and belief in their capabilities when something like this happens.
Luckily I have a bit of a f*ck you attitude and brushed it off fairly quickly, moving on to new opportunities and roles that fulfilled me.
3. Establish Your Big Dream And Create A Vision Board
Every reinvention has an ultimate goal: what do you want to achieve?
Where do you see yourself in the next year, five years or more?
By creating goals and having a vision for your success, you are one step closer to creating a plan.
Here was my goal when I started my blog coaching business: having a side hustle business that I could at some point grow big enough to continue on as a full-time career when I was ready to retire.
Creating a business takes time, so starting it in my 40s has been vital.
My vision is to be a resource for others who want to create an online business, either as solopreneurs or business owners.
Consider a few things: if you didn’t have to worry about money, time or fears, what would your life be like?
What are your passions? What drives you?
This is about finding the “WHY” – the legacy that you at some point want to leave behind.
TIP: Use the free templates in Canva to create your vision board. If you can, print it out and put it in a visible spot that will keep reminding you of your goals.
4. Research, Plan And Write Down Your Reinvention Strategies
It never happens instantly. It always takes time and a plan to reinvent yourself.
This is where you need to determine a few things.
I always like to see what others have done with their life including their businesses and passions. How did they get to their current situation?
This is where reading autobiographies and biographies can be a very good thing.
Research also programs, courses and coaching that can help you achieve your goals.
If you want to become a blogger turned coach yourself, what do you need to do to make it happen? There’s lots to learn, so you need to plan and create a strategy for how to get to your ultimate goal: starting an online business.
Once you’ve researched and planned your strategies, write it down to make it official.
I find this the best way to keep track of progress.
Some people love using the SMART goal method which I recommend it for bloggers. It works for any kind of goal-setting exercise.
TIP: Make it official. Once you’ve written up a plan, print it out and put it in a binder. Create checklists for yourself to see if you’ve achieved the objectives that will lead you to your reinvention goal.
5. Put Your Reinvention Plan Into Action
It’s all nice and great to have a plan, but if you’re not implementing it, then this whole exercise is useless.
Here’s a quote from Tom Brady that you need to take to heart:
“To be successful at anything, the truth is you don’t have to be special. You just have to be what most people aren’t: consistent, determined, and willing to work for it.”
Tom Brady
I could have quit a long time ago. But I’ve kept going, determined to reach my long-term goal.
I know you can do it too.
Here’s a trick I learned: do things in chunks. Take one challenge and master it well. Then move on to the next.
Want to learn how to take great photos?
Do it for a few months. Immerse yourself in it. Want to start building a freelance photography business?
Get started with offering free then paid gigs to family and friends. When you’re ready invest in a website and portfolio, studio and whatever else you need at that point.
Keep going!
Things To Consider As You’re Reinventing Yourself At 40
Now you know the key steps to how to turn your life around at 40.
You’ve got the steps, but there are several additional things to consider as you’re reinventing yourself at 40.
I found these very useful as I started to transform myself into the person I wanted to be: confident, accomplished, caring and balanced.
1. Forgive And Forget To Move Forward Without Baggage
You can’t go about reinventing yourself in your 40s with a whole lot of baggage dragging behind you.
As I mentioned before, leave the toxicity behind.
Forgive those who’ve wronged you and forget about them. If you leave them behind in your past, they will no longer affect what you do in the future.
For example, I was bullied by several kids when I was in elementary school. Being a first-generation Canadian with a slight Polish accent made me a target.
In my 30s, I embraced my family culture while focusing on my career and relationships. It was at this time I realized I could forgive the anxiety and mental anguish the bullying caused and move on.
I was feeling good about the unique background that I had: one foot in Polish culture and one in Canadian culture. The best of both worlds.
Those bullies and their words and actions are now a distant memory, inconsequential to the person I am today.
2. Write Down Your Thoughts As They Come
I don’t know about you, but my memory needs some support as I get older.
Lists are great, and I like to keep a master list that I use all day.
Between blog coaching and business, work and home/family activities, there’s lots to put on the list!
But it’s more than just to-do lists. It’s thoughts about your life, and everything else.
Sometimes, while my husband is driving us to the grocery store, I have a thought about what I want to do with my life that I need to write down.
Use technology that’s available at your fingertips: the notes app on your phone is your best friend.
A great alternative is the Google Docs app: have one doc with a running list of life ideas. You can access it between platforms.
3. Give Yourself A Mini “Improvement” List
Take things in chunks and work on them.
I started doing mini-improvement lists to tackle certain things.
Some self-care and skincare activities (like incorporating Gua Sha face massage) to keep myself looking youthful and overall put together.
It’s easy to slide into a rut when you get older.
By setting smaller goals it’s been easier to adjust my routines and ways of doing things.
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4. Set Goals But Don’t Obsess
Life in your 40s shouldn’t be hard.
I’ve learned to set goals but not obsess over them too much. Sometimes you need to take a break and as they say, “give yourself some grace.”
While you can keep striving to reach goals, don’t be discouraged by mini setbacks. Eye on the prize!
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5. Focus On Your Physical Wellbeing
Getting fit and healthy can be as easy as making daily walks or weight-training routines part of your regular weekly activity.
I’m not a gym rat but I try to walk as much as possible to get in the 10,000 steps and work out while watching TV at night.
Dedication is the key. I go back to that quote above from Tom Brady every time I fall off the physical wellbeing wagon.
Reinventing yourself in your 40s should include focusing on your physical health. Do what works for you!
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6. Give Yourself Permission To Take A Break
Remember to take breaks! You do need an occasional do-nothing day to reset your mind and body.
Being focused obsessively on your goals can lead to burnout.
I’ve seen this with bloggers and online business owners. They need time to reset and refocus their energies.
TIP: I try to keep Sundays to days when I don’t worry about my reinvention plan. It’s a day of rest, of time spent with my family and sometimes my “do nothing” day.
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7. Learn The Power Of No
Speaking of burnout, the best way to avoid it is to learn how to say no.
From family demands to work and friends. When you’re a busy person, people naturally layer on more responsibilities and requests.
When they’ve been accustomed to asking you to do things that keep in you in your rut, it’s time to start saying no.
Working on losing weight and getting fit in your 40s? Say no when your mom offers you a cheesecake when you visit.
Friends asking you to support their latest network marketing scheme that will just end up with clutter in your home and less money in your pocket? Say no.
Do you see where I’m going with this?
Don’t derail yourself!
8. Learn The Power Of Yes
On the flip side, learn how to say “yes” to opportunities and beneficial risks.
For example, a great deal pops up for a piece of software you need to invest in your new online business. Take the plunge and invest in it even if you’re not going to use it immediately.
Or somebody comes to you with a collaboration opportunity that may make your life a bit busier than usual. But it’s a fantastic way to get ahead faster. Say yes!
It may also be tough feedback that you get from a loved one. Open your mind to what they say and say yes to doing things differently.
Life in your 40s means being open to accepting what comes to you and leveraging opportunities to grow. Take a chance – it may result in something great.
9. Find A Hobby You Love… Turn It Into A Business
You may shy away from the idea of having a business, but even a small one that brings in a little bit of extra income can be a very welcome thing as you get older.
But you have to start somewhere. A hobby that you’re passionate about that has good market potential is the best place to start.
There are many great reasons to start a hobby.
Hobbies are great for our self-esteem, stress levels and overall happiness.
TIP: Join Facebook groups for women business owners to get inspired and learn more about starting a business. They are a great place to network and learn.
| RELATED: 100 Hobbies You Can Easily Turn Into A Business
Start An Online Business FREE Workbook
Thinking of starting an online business, but don’t know how to organize your thoughts and create a business plan?
I’ve created a FREE Start An Online Business Workbook just for you, so that you can easily get started turning your dream into a reality!
10. Change Your Career
One of the top ways of reinventing yourself at 40 is to change your career. Many do this and it can be very rewarding.
Unless you love your career and are passionate about it, change is good.
You don’t necessarily have to go in a completely different direction. However, I’ve seen some people do this very successfully.
Your journey may be like mine: after 18 years in PR agencies, I shifted toward online marketing and content creation roles that tapped into similar skills and added my blogging skills.
11. Make Your Home A Cozy Nest
Kids get older and the home is less cluttered with LEGO or doll stuff everywhere.
If you’re a parent like me, in your 40s you’re most likely starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to your house being taken over by kid stuff.
It’s time to tweak your home decor and update your home to be your cozy, comfortable nest.
We’ve been making adjustments over time to find places that work for us, including a home office update and creating a cozy reading/work nook.
Small stuff and mini changes matter when you create a home that you love. Make it part of your reinvention plan.
For example, I updated my home office space to be bright and airy, with Scandinavian influences and cozy spots for reading.
| RELATED: How To Easily Update Your Home Decor On A Budget
12. Be Consistently Moving Forward
Wondering how to turn your life around at 40 and make it really happen?
Don’t give up!
Consistency is the key to reinventing your life in your 40s. I know it’s hard when there are many obstacles that get thrown your way.
But the prize is worth it in the end.
Remember, life keeps moving forward. Start thinking about you retirement, even if it feels like it’s a far-away concept. Consider how you can become your own boss in retirement.
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13. Accept You’ll Never Be Perfect… You’ll Be You!
Love yourself as you are.
You may find others still critical of you – especially family members.
Some of their criticism may be valid. I’m always open to hearing what others see about me because it’s hard when you’re lost in yourself at times.
However, overall, love yourself as you are.
Remind yourself with these self-love quotes I’ve curated for you.
14. Create Routines For Bedtime That Reduce Your Stress
Reinventing yourself in your 40s can involve lots of work and stressful adjustments at first. One thing that I noticed that helped was routines.
My number one routine was at bedtime.
- Going to sleep by no later than 11 p.m.
- Reducing TV time
- Including my self-care skincare routine
- Writing my to-do list for the next day
- Doing some gentle stretches
It’s been helpful to give myself some “downtime” to relax and focus on reducing my stress levels.
| RELATED: Tips For A Relaxing Bedtime Routine To Reduce Stress
Quick Ways To Transform Yourself In Your 40s
Want to get started?
Creating a plan is the first step. I’ve created this free reinvention workbook that will give you a general idea of what you want to accomplish with your reinvention.
Start by doing your SWOT analysis of yourself.
It will make you realize what you’ve got going for you and what you need to work on. That’s a huge step in reinventing yourself!
QUESTION: Are you ready to reinvent yourself?
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This is such a motivating post! I canโt wait to get started. I will definitely keep the Tim Brady quote in mind. Thank you for sharing.
It’s a fantastic quote. I’ve got it written out and in front of me at all times. Really motivates me. I’m glad you liked this post! Can’t wait to see what you think of the workbook.
Thanks for the tips.
I hope they give you some inspiration!
This was so inspiring. Thank you!