How To Stop Stressing Over Little Things And Be More Happy With Your Life

A few years ago, I read a book on how to not sweat the small stuff. It made an impact on me. How many times do we freak out over the most inconsequential things that we don’t like? We need to learn how to stop stressing over little things!
Sometimes that’s easier said than done.
For example, I really don’t like it when my husband leaves a pile of clothes he’s planning on wearing again on our armchair in our bedroom.
It’s messy. But really, is it that important of a thing to get annoyed over? No! Absolutely not.
So how do you step away and stop stressing over little things? In this post we’ll explore some ways to let go of the small stuff, stop worrying about small stuff and start living more positively.
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How To Stop Stressing Over Little Things: 10 Transformational Tips
If you’re looking to reinvent yourself, one of the key things you’ll need to do is to stop stressing over the little things.
They will get in the way of your transformation journey.
In my 40s I started to think differently about the small stuff and worked on not sweating over it. It helped me focus on finding myself and building a better plan for my life.
Let’s start!
1. You Aren’t A Super Hero
Know your limitations! You can’t do everything and solve every problem. If you were to do so, you’d burn out.
Worrying about everything, even the smallest thing, like somebody in your family littering on the floor when you’ve just vacuumed, will lead to a mental breakdown.
Know you can’t fix every problem and solve everything.
Let it go!
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2. Don’t Overpromise When You Can’t Deliver
How many times do you say you’ll help somebody out when you know you can’t fulfill it without getting stressed out?
For example, you have many things you’re already working on, and somebody asks you to help out on a project.
Do you say, sure, or do you politely decline and say no, I can’t give you my 100% on this?
If you say yes, you’ll be feeling the pressure to perform, and that is yet one more step to burnout.
3. Give Yourself A Time Out
Feeling the pressure? Something – or someone – is annoying you? Take a break.
Give yourself a 15-minute break from everything. This works really well when you’re working from home and can step away for a coffee break.
Take things one step further. Find a quiet spot where nobody can bother you for 15 minutes. This can be easier said than done if you’re a parent, especially to a rambunctious three-year-old. In that case, you may have to lock yourself in your bathroom (hey, whatever works!). Or ask your partner to help you out.
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4. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
Not feeling like you’re as smart as somebody, or achieving success like somebody else? Do they make things seem so easy when you’re struggling?
Comparing yourself to others is one of the easiest ways to put pressure on yourself and stress yourself out.
Stop! You are amazing in your own way.
Celebrate your strengths. Figure out how you can improve on where you’re lacking. But don’t stress over it.
Know your strengths and celebrate them. So stop comparing yourself to others!
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5. Do A Do Nothing Day
You don’t always have to be “on”.
Do a “Do Nothing Day” where you have no plans, nothing to worry about. Go with the flow! Feel like having something to eat? Make a simple meal or order food to be delivered. Don’t feel like changing out of your PJs? That’s totally fine too.
A day where you have no plans and nothing urgent to do leads you to do things you LIKE to do.
They are also perfect days to let your mind rest. Enjoy a day of doing absolutely nothing important.
6. What Can You Live With?
Remember how I noted my husband’s pile of clothes on the armchair? I can live with that little bit of mess. I don’t mind it, even if I prefer things to be neater.
Figure out what you can live with. For example, in-laws might have some quirky behaviour or expectations. If they are benign, but perhaps a bit annoying to hear about all the time, learn how to nod and just say, ‘I’ll that under consideration.” You don’t have to act on their advice.
Luckily, my in-laws don’t have any such expectations, but I know that many will complain about how their mother-in-law or father-in-law can make their life difficult.
7. Don’t Take Things Personally
Your significant other is complaining about every little thing you do “wrong”. Or a work colleague bites your head off with some remark.
They might be having a bad day. Why are you worried that it might be a sign of something more? Sometimes we stress over other people’s behaviour towards us and take things personally.
Stop! Look at the big picture. Ask them what’s going on. It might not be you. It might be them.
8. Give Your Partner/Spouse A Break
Tied into the point above – are you creating a situation where everybody, including yourself, is having a bad day? Are you bitching about something small and stressing yourself out and your partner?
Give your partner or spouse a break! Stop complaining about the little things.
I read once a story about a woman who noted that when her husband was alive, he constantly was leaving his dirty work clothes on the bedroom floor in a pile.
She hated it and always complained to him about putting them in a laundry hamper instead.
Then he suddenly passed away from a heart attack. She had a hard time cleaning up the pile of dirty clothes because she knew it would never be there again.
She missed HIM. The pile of dirty clothes was inconsequential to the loss of her husband.
Sometimes you just need to accept the crazy things they do that drive you a little bit nuts. Imagine how life would be boring without them.
So stop stressing over the small things your significant other does that annoy you!
9. Take A Social Media Break
Stop stressing over small things like social media!
I posted this same tip on my Margaretbournemedia Instagram account. Taking a break from social media is OK.
It’s actually a VERY GOOD THING!
Social media is a time suck. It’s also a place where you put pressure on yourself because you compare yourself to others “influencers”, or if you have a business, your competitors.
Sometimes taking a break gives you a moment to focus on other things that give you pleasure. Like reading a book, or enjoying a movie, taking a hike in the woods.
10. Set Only Three Priorities On The Weekend
You may have too many things on your plate causing you to do too much worrying about small stuff.
Another way to stop stressing over small things is to prioritize your weekend activities.
Consider all of the small things on your to-do list that get pushed to the weekend.
Can you handle a few on a weeknight? For example, doing a load of laundry? Or online shopping for your groceries one evening?
Set only three priorities on the weekend. One that’s a bigger problem that you want to solve (e.g. cleaning the house), one that relaxes you (e.g. self-care), and one that’s fun.
Stop Stressing Over Little Things Today
What can you do today from this list to stop stressing over little things? Over other’s behaviour? Your own?
This list is just a start for you. Consider all the other things that stress you out. Write them down! And when something comes up that starts stressing you out, think: “Is this really something I can just not worry about so much?”
You’re bound to be happier when you let certain things go.
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Keep A Journal
Stop stressing over little things by writing down what’s causing the stress in the first place.
Writing is cathartic. If you’re a chronic worrier or somebody who is angry at everything in life, the best way to see progress is to keep a journal.
Get a journal, like the nature-inspired notebook from Spruce and Heron (a shop my husband and I started). Write down your thoughts!
Stop Sweating The Small Stuff
There you go – all the ways to stop stressing over little things.
How will you change your life?
Share with me your thoughts on what else one can stop worrying about so much!
Need some self-care? Check out this list of Fall self-care tips and Winter self-care ideas.
QUESTION: What are your recommendations to stop stressing over little things? I want to know how you handle the small stuff!
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These tips on how to stop stressing over the little things are great. I like to please people, it’s hard for me to say no, so I end up saying yes to things I don’t have time for. It’s something I’m working on :). I also like the idea of planning a day to do nothing, I need to add that to my life.
The do nothing days are always needed! They do reset your life a bit.
Thank you for these suggestions! I’m constantly trying to destress and take it easy lol
Me too, me too. *high five*