LARQ Review: Self-Cleaning Water Bottle

One of my small pet peeves about reusable water bottles is the hassle of having to clean them out after a hiking excursion. So when I heard about the UV-C technology used to clean a new water bottle on the market, I decided I would do this LARQ bottle review and share my thoughts with you.
For any avid hiker, weekend warrior or mom on the run, a water bottle is a must-have.
When a water bottle with the first-ever UV-C technology to sanitize the bottle comes out on the market, you get excited.
So let’s delve into the technology and the super stylish LARQ water bottle. I’ll share with you my thoughts based on my first-hand experience.
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How Does The LARQ Bottle Technology Work?
Before delving into my LARQ bottle review, I did a bit of research into UV-C technology. How does it work?
UV-C technology has been used in a number of applications – from personal care items to hospital settings. I won’t get into all the scientific details, but essentially, UV-C – ultraviolet light on the spectrum – eliminates microorganisms, disinfecting items.
Scientists found in the late 1800s that sunlight played a big role in slowing the multiplication of micro-organisms. This is where the idea of fresh air and sunshine as a healthy activity makes sense.
It also makes me realize that my Polish Grandma was onto something when she “aired out” the down comforter by putting it outside into the full summer sunshine. It essentially disinfected it as much as possible with UV radiation.
So how has LARQ harnessed this science?
The LARQ bottle uses a proprietary and patented UV-C technology to eradicate 99.9999% of germs, bacteria, and protozoa.
It’s the first bottle of its kind, using UV-C light at the optimal wavelength, to triggers a photochemical reaction that zaps these harmful contaminants at their DNA level.
Although the LARQ bottle doesn’t remove heavy metals and fluoride, it does get rid of 99.9999% of harmful bacteria and viruses. Some of these are odour-causing germs, something that you always notice when you open a reusable bottle is that odd musty scent. Well, LARQ helps reduce that.
When it was tested by independent third-party labs, LARQ bottles were found to be effective against E.coli, Salmonella, Staph, MRSA.
LARQ’s Purification System: Easy-To-Use
The first thing I did when I got my bottle for this LARQ bottle review was to open up the box.
I love unboxings… so much fun to discover what amazing stuff you’ll find. Inside were: the bottle, a USB cable, and a small pamphlet book.
The book has a super tiny font… just warning you, if you’re of a certain age like me, and need reading glasses.
Read the instructions first! You will see different lights when your purifying top unit is charging.
- Gently “breathing” green light: It’s charging
- Steady green light: Fully charged
- Flashing green light: Low on battery, or it will flash twice when it’s in cleaning mode.
- Red pulsing light: there’s something wrong, go to LARQs warranty claim
After you’ve charged up the top with the USB connection (use the USB cable provided with LARQ – it’s advised to do so than use other cables), you can test out the bottle using clear, sediment-free water.
Fill up your bottle with water up to the indicator line shown on the bottle.
Screw the cap on and press the A button to purify.
- Click once for Normal mode (breathing sky blue light) – when your water is from a trusted source. This mode lasts 60-seconds.
- Twice for Adventure mode (pulsing blue light) – when your water needs extra purification, it gives it a 3-minute cycle.
Every two hours, you’ll see the bottle go into the self-cleaning mode for 10-seconds with a breathing sky-blue light.
If you want to travel with your bottle, you can hold the top down for 5 seconds to lock it.
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My LARQ Review
For my LARQ bottle review, I tested it out for about a week. It went everywhere with me: at home while doing some work, doing errands, and out for walks. This is my new favourite bottle for a number of reasons:
- The reason why this bottle was created was to provide people across the world with “pristine drinking water in a sustainable way.” Although it requires electricity to charge it, in the big scheme of things, there are how many fewer plastic bottles that I used? MANY. Imagine 4 bottles a day for 30 days. That’s 112 plastic bottles. I’ve now cut that back to 0.
- Using the LARQ bottle results in an odour-free, clean-tasting water 2, 4, 6 hours later. Yup! It works!
- It keeps water cool like any other water bottle… but the best thing of all is that I didn’t have to constantly wash the bottle out after each use. The purification system did that for me. The only thing that I needed to clean occasionally is the lid.
- When I used the LARQ bottle a few days after the first use, there was no stinky bottle smell. YAY!
A couple of things that I really like about the bottle features are somewhat frivolous, in comparison to the technology, but nevertheless, nice-to-haves.
- The bottle comes in a number of gorgeous colours, including the lovely dusty pink. The bottle itself is beautifully designed, sleek and durable.
- It comes in a 17 oz or 25 oz bottle.
- It’s BPA-free.
- Double-wall vacuum insulation keeps your water cool for many hours.
The one negative thing that I need to share for this LARQ bottle review is that takes a bit of time is the charging of the top – it’s more than 1 hr to charge it up.
BUT, the good thing is that it will last you about a month in Normal mode (with several cycles throughout the day).
Since most of the time, the weekend warrior-type hiker like us uses regular tap water, the Normal mode is what you’ll use the majority of the time.
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Would I Purchase A LARQ Bottle?
Since doing this LARQ Bottle review, I’ve added it to my gift-giving list for several members of my family. I know that they would find it extremely useful to not have to constantly clean the bottle to reduce that typical water bottle smell.
I’ve added it to my gift-giving list for several members of my family. I know that they would find it extremely useful to not have to constantly clean the bottle to reduce that typical water bottle smell.
Shhh… don’t tell my husband, but I’m thinking of getting him one for a Christmas gift. So yes, I would most definitely purchase a LARQ bottle.
COST: USD $99.00 for the 17 oz bottle, USD $129 for the 25 oz bottle.
There is an insulated version too that takes both cold and hot liquid.
Purchase online at LARQ.
QUESTION: What’s your biggest pet peeve about reusable water bottles?