For women who have given birth to more than one child, I truly commend you on it. It’s not an easy job to have one, let alone more. So, I truly believe as a mom, you have the right to pamper yourself after giving birth. Self-care for new moms is so important!

You’ve just made a whole new human being! And welcome to the Mommy Zombie state.

I remember how I felt the first few weeks after I gave birth to our son. I’ll spare you the photos of me looking like I hadn’t slept for months.

I shudder when I look at those photos from the early months of motherhood. Lack of sleep from feeding, changing and cuddling sessions every few hours took a toll on me.

No matter the support I had, I was feeling like a completely different being. Not myself at all! 

There were times I just wanted to cry from exhaustion and frustration. I definitely needed some Mom Me Time!

I also felt like I was in a rut. I was ignoring doing things that are recommended for self-care for new moms. Looking at myself in the mirror, I barely recognized the woman with straggly hair.

Showering was something I did when I had enough energy to not sleep when the baby slept. The bags under my eyes were a lovely shade of blue and the wrinkles that come with my older age seemed more prominent.

What would I have done differently to take care of myself after having a baby?

Go On… Pamper Yourself After Giving Birth!

Now in hindsight, I would have done a few things to make myself feel good after having a baby.

Because after all, a happy mommy is a good thing.

The best thing is that all of these things can be done on a decent budget, so you have more to spend on the numerous diapers and other things needed for the baby.

Escape For A Salon Visit

Woman having a salon visit - Pampering Yourself After Giving Birth

One of the key ways to practice self-care for new moms is to get a new haircut and colour.

A simple haircut that’s easy to maintain is ideal. Something that’s easily pinned up or pulled into a ponytail is perfect.

And for older moms with gray hair, a touch-up or fresh colour makes you feel like a completely new woman.

Splurge On New Makeup

Pamper Yourself after giving birth with new makeup - lipstick

One of the easiest ways to pamper yourself after giving birth is to invest in some new makeup. Do it even before you head to the hospital! Slip it into your hospital bag, so that you look like a goddess for those first few photos.

After giving birth, even though I wasn’t going out as much as I had been before our son arrived, I wanted to look my best when I was. I may have been feeling exhausted, but I wanted to look fresh. And one thing I wanted was some fresh makeup.

I did a simple purchase of fresh powder, lipstick, and mascara to make myself feel like I was “put together.” One of my favourites for a natural, effortless look is Nude by Nature. What’s really great about it, is that it’s made with natural, non-toxic ingredients. I recently did a review of the brand’s lipstick and wow, is it ever good.

Purchase Nice Underwear & Comfy New PJs

Pampering Yourself after Giving Birth - woman having a tea in bed.
Photo by from Pexels

This tops my list of self-care for new moms. Your relaxation wardrobe needs to be comfortable but also functional. So you may be rockin’ the maternity, nursing bra, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need nice panties. Say bye to the stretchy, maternity underwear and hello comfy but fancier panties.

As well, you may want to get a new pajama set that’s perfect for breastfeeding and is less baggy than your old one.

Invest In A Fancy Coffee Mug, Coffee Container & Good Coffee

Pampering Yourself After Giving Birth - making a home made coffee

This is my favourite way to pamper yourself after having a baby. You’re going to be a Zombie Mommy, so you will need some caffeinated help. And heck, you’re doing so much work as a mom, you deserve to have a fancy coffee ritual to enjoy at least one a day.

While it’s easier to just grab a K-Cup or instant coffee for a coffee fix, I recommend getting a good coffee to grind up. Keep it in a fancy container and use a funny or witty coffee mug to make it a fun ritual. I like to use my Melitta Dark Roast with my pour-over coffee brewer for a daily treat. 

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Splurge On Good Handcream

You’ll be touching your baby all the time, so why not have soft hands while doing so? If it’s winter-time, dry, hand hands are inevitable. I love using a good, natural hand cream, such as Crawford Skincare’s hand cream, with a light scent to pamper my hands.

Comfy Slippers

You want your toes to feel comfy, but you don’t want to slide around the house when you’re running to get a bottle of formula warmed up in the middle of the night. I purchased Isotoner slippers for this very reason. They not only kept my toes warm but had nice soles that didn’t slide on the carpet or floors.

A Large, Pretty Scarf

Pampering yourself after giving birth - pretty pink scarf

You want to feel pretty, but also need some practical cover-up in case you need to breastfeed baby in public. I love feminine scarves that look pretty. Blush pink is my go-to colour as it’s neutral. This Darby scarf from Chapters-Indigo is not only functional but a lovely accent for daily mom style.

A Nice Plant Or Fresh Flowers

It doesn’t have to be extravagant, but a simple, inexpensive bouquet of long-lasting flowers such as carnations can brighten up your mood. If you want no fussing around, popular low-maintenance plants such as cactus or succulents are perfect for adding a bit of green.

QUESTION: What do you recommend for pampering yourself after giving birth? For the moms out there, what did you do to make yourself feel normal again? Or at least, as normal as possible!

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Six Ways To Pamper Yourself After Giving Birth

Margaret Bourne is a blog coach and strategist, with over 18 years of experience in marketing and public relations. She helps aspiring bloggers build and grow professional online businesses. A wife, and mom to a little boy, she also occasionally shares lifestyle-related stories through her Suburban Tourist blog.


  1. Evelyn Hernandez Reply

    Self care and Self love is so important, especially post-partum. This is a great list.

  2. Courtney Byers Reply

    These are such great tips! I don’t have babies yet, but hope to soon. I will be saving this for later. Thank you for sharing.

  3. These tips are spot on! Getting out of that “mom funk” after giving birth can be rough…the self care tips will be super helpful for the new mama’s out there!

  4. Great list! It is so important to take care of yourself. I have 4 daughters, and I know how easy it is to let your self care slip away. These are great gift ideas for a new mom.

  5. These are all such a great ideas for a new mom,.. or really any mom. I’m going to send this to my niece who just had a baby!!

  6. I am due next week and I did not even think about pampering myself after…which I honestly should!!! I might actually get myself a nice set of PJs after reading this! :P

    • Go for it lady! You deserve it after all that effort and work to create new life! The PJs are the nicest gift. All the lack of sleep, at least you’ll have a nice set of PJs. 😀

  7. These are such great ideas and a great way to begin feeling like a human again after becoming a new mom. I have a good friend that is expecting and I think it would be great to make a little pamper basket to deliver to her with some of these goodies!

    • I love that idea of a pamper basket! Babies get so much but honestly in many cases cash to buy diapers/formula helps so much. But moms need a bit of love too.

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