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  1. Self care and Self love is so important, especially post-partum. This is a great list.

  2. These are such great tips! I don’t have babies yet, but hope to soon. I will be saving this for later. Thank you for sharing.

  3. These tips are spot on! Getting out of that “mom funk” after giving birth can be rough…the self care tips will be super helpful for the new mama’s out there!

  4. Great list! It is so important to take care of yourself. I have 4 daughters, and I know how easy it is to let your self care slip away. These are great gift ideas for a new mom.

  5. These are all such a great ideas for a new mom,.. or really any mom. I’m going to send this to my niece who just had a baby!!

  6. I am due next week and I did not even think about pampering myself after…which I honestly should!!! I might actually get myself a nice set of PJs after reading this! :P

  7. Go for it lady! You deserve it after all that effort and work to create new life! The PJs are the nicest gift. All the lack of sleep, at least youโ€™ll have a nice set of PJs. ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. These are such great ideas and a great way to begin feeling like a human again after becoming a new mom. I have a good friend that is expecting and I think it would be great to make a little pamper basket to deliver to her with some of these goodies!

  9. I love that idea of a pamper basket! Babies get so much but honestly in many cases cash to buy diapers/formula helps so much. But moms need a bit of love too.

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