No matter your age, there are times when boredom sneaks in, especially on quiet weekends at home. Feeling restless? Finding no joy in anything? It’s time to check out my list of things to do when bored, and learn how to be energized and filled with purpose!

Hey, I get it – I’ve had weekends when everything that I considered doing seemed so boring. Laundry? Yeah, boring.

Making a meal and then being faced with dirty pots and dishes? Boring.

Watching a movie or TV show? Boring. Nothing of interest to watch!

You’d think that a woman in her 40s would be able to figure out how to get out of a funk. But yeah, that’s not so easy at times.

You can easily feel unhappy with life.

The good news is that there are so many things to do when you’re bored that are fun and will get you out of your funk.

This post will share some mindset tips and activity ideas to get you feeling happier and less bored.

Disclosure: This post contains sponsored product. I recommend products I would use or have used myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post contains affiliate links. I may make a small commission on any purchases you make using these links, at no extra cost to you. Read my full Disclaimer.

What Causes Boredom?

There are many reasons you can be bored. What triggers one person to feel bored can be different from another person.

Here are some of the top ones:

Not Enough Mental Or Physical Stimulation: When you’re not getting any physical or mental engagement, you start feeling bored.

Repetition: The monotony of doing the same thing over and over again can make you feel bored.

Uninteresting Activities: The activity you’re doing doesn’t align with your personal interests or values. This is when you say “Can we do something that I care about?”

Lackluster Environment: The space you’re in makes you feel bored. For some it’s their workplace. For others, it may be their living room (maybe it’s time to change things up).

Not Enough Or Too Much Stimulation: Too little stimulation? Boring. Too much stimulation? Also boring. You’re going to need to find a sweet spot.

Your Activities Aren’t Creative: There’s a vast difference in the creative levels of doing household chores versus doing a creative hobby like knitting.

Learning how to not be bored is fairly easy – but something you need to change how you think about boredom.

| RELATED: How To Be Happier In Your 40s: 5 Tips For A Mood Boost

Switch Up Your Mindset To Alleviate Boredom

Here’s something that I do when I’m feeling bored: I start thinking of what kind of thing I can be doing to alleviate it.

I may have a long to do list of things to do, but if none of them are appealing it’s time to take a day off and do something fun for just myself.

It may be as simple as indulging in an hour or two of video games. Hey – I grew up playing them, so why not enjoy them?

Giving yourself permission to do something out of the ordinary that’s fun is a great way to find something to do that will break the monotony.

Cinnamon buns with icing - things to do when you're bored.

Things To Do When Bored: How To Overcome Boredom

So how do you get out of this funk?

Sometimes you just need a “do nothing day”. That’s fine. But what if you are still restless?

Well, I’ve got over 200 ideas for things to do when bored at home and beyond that are fun, productive or just simply engaging.

They’ll keep you occupied and doing something that switches you from restless to at peace with yourself.

Let’s get started – I’ve broken it down into productive, learning and fun things to do when bored.

Let’s start with fun stuff first!

Fun Things To Do When Bored

In no particular order, you’ll find a long list of things to do when you’re bored that will entertain you.

Whether it’s at home or outside of your home, this list is sure to spark something of interest.

  1. Do a dance party at home – find your favourite music videos on YouTube
  2. Play video games
  3. Pull out old board games and play them with your family
  4. Play card games – or learn how to play poker
  5. Play or learn how to play chess, checkers (there are versions online)
  6. Play charades
  7. Dust off old records and crank up your turntable
  8. Dust off old CDs and play them
  9. Dance like nobody is watching (this is good exercise too)
  10. Peruse Pinterest for your next project or to create a vision board
  11. Try a new hairstyle
  12. Try a new makeup look
  13. Shop for new makeup products – try the Nude By Nature lipsticks!
  14. Do both of the above and take a series of new selfies
  15. Spend some time watching reels on Instagram – share them with friends or family
  16. Catch up on the latest celebrity gossip
  17. Start watching a popular TV series
  18. Do a movie marathon of a movie series (Star Wars, Star Trek, Indiana Jones, Transformers, etc.)
  19. Watch food shows to learn new cooking techniques
  20. Indulge in a snackfest: get your favourites and enjoy them while watching TV
  21. Watch a comedy show on TV
  22. Watch a concert from your favourite bands
  23. Have a backyard picnic
  24. If you have a BBQ, do one for lunch
  25. Use Pinterest to create a vision board
  26. Create some fun visuals in Canva
  27. Make your favourite “to-die-for” dish and indulge
  28. Test out mocktail recipes – they won’t leave you with a hangover but will taste great
  29. Read up or watch videos on how to become a top bartender at home
  30. Test out your bartending skills with your very own drink (please drink in moderation)
  31. Take a trip down memory lane: dig out old photo albums
  32. If having a bad day, switch into self-care mode and de-stress
  33. Enjoy a zen moment: listen to frequency-based/Tibetan bowls/nature sound music and zone out on the couch
  34. Give yourself a bubble bath
  35. Moisturize your dry patches – especially dry winter skin
  36. Dye your hair
  37. Give your skin some love – moisturize, cleanse and tone
  38. Explore facial exercises and massage techniques (do face yoga!)
  39. Crack open a new book: choose a fun read
  40. Dig out the adult colouring books that you haven’t touched in a while
  41. Doodle with a black marker and colour it in
  42. Watch reality TV
  43. Try out a new recipe
  44. Listen to an audiobook
  45. Start learning a new language
  46. Do a jigsaw puzzle
  47. Play Sudoku or do a crossword puzzle
  48. Play trivia games
  49. Find your favourite karaoke music on YouTube and sing
  50. Create a scrapbook
  51. Create a new playlist
  52. Explore new music on Spotify
  53. Immerse yourself in a different culture
  54. Write in your journal
  55. Write a short story or poetry
  56. Plan an outdoor garden
  57. Set up a coffee bar in your kitchen or dining area
  58. Try out new software that helps you be creative, more productive etc
  59. Start a blog – learn how to plan and start one
  60. Begin a new hobby – sewing, crochet, woodworking, woodcarving, painting, photography, crafting
  61. Explore options for a new sidehustle
  62. Try your hand at refurbishing an old piece of furniture
  63. Shop for new furniture – like this cool shelving unit from Cozey
  64. Join a virtual book club
  65. Do a science experiment at home
  66. Research and plan a home renovation
  67. Research and plan an indoor garden
  68. Start a printables or template-based business with Canva
  69. Research and plan your next vacation
  70. Explore new apps on your phone
  71. Take a walk in your neighbourhood
  72. Take a walk in a park
  73. Go further afield – do a day hike in a natural setting
  74. Take a walk and sketch buildings or the landscape around you
  75. Workout in a fitness park
  76. Watch a soccer or baseball game in the park
  77. Go for a run
  78. Meet up with a friend for a walk and coffee break
  79. Check out an urban trail – please ensure you keep safe on trails by going with a buddy
  80. Visit your local coffee shop and people watch
  81. Give yourself a photography challenge
  82. Check out a local free art display or gallery
  83. Go out to see a movie – when was the last time you sat in a theatre?
  84. Play vintage arcade games
  85. Write a romantic love letter
  86. Take a dancing lesson online or in person
  87. Have a picnic with friends in a local park.
  88. Take a walk along a shoreline.
  89. Check out a local festival or special event.
  90. Do a little day trip to your neighbouring town or city to explore.
  91. Try a new restaurant.
  92. Do a day of shopping at local businesses and small shops.
  93. Do a drive in the countryside.
  94. Take up a new easy outdoor game or sport: frisbee, bocce, lawn bowling
  95. Head to a pool hall or bar to play some pool
  96. Take your bike out for a spin in the neighbourhood.
  97. Check out a farmer’s market or indoor market
  98. Do a day exploring an attraction or historical landmark
  99. Check out a conservation area (e.g. Mountsberg Conservation Area west of Toronto)
  100. Do a waterfall crawl
  101. Learn about birdwatching and head outdoors
  102. Learn about geocaching: learn how to do it and join a club
  103. Check out your local community centre for courses or classes to try out
  104. Investigate clubs such as Toastmasters, which not only teach you a skill but introduce you to new friends with social opportunities beyond the club
  105. Call your friends over for an impromptu lunch or movie night at your place
  106. Learn how to make iced coffee
  107. Explore an ethnic grocery store
  108. Go to your favourite ice cream or desert shop and indulge for a day
  109. Bake your favourite cookies
  110. Play with toys like LEGO
  111. Shop for new home decor or furniture – like this cool-looking shelving unit from Cozey:
Altitude Shelf Collection from Cozey

100+ Productive Things To Do When You’re Bored

Some people feel less bored when they’re doing something productive – at home or beyond.

This list is just a start. If you’re a homeowner, the list is endless. However, at least this will give you some inspiration to make you feel like your day hasn’t been a waste.

  1. Create a list of priorities for your home and life
  2. Look into creating a will for yourself if you haven’t already
  3. Update your financial plans for the next year
  4. Update your family calendar
  5. Read a non-fiction book to learn something new
  6. Look into volunteer opportunities
  7. Update your resume
  8. Update your budget or financial plans.
  9. Make DIY household cleaners using natural products
  10. Make DIY beauty products with natural products
  11. Get copies of important keys made
  12. Organize your linen closet
  13. Review items in your front hall closet: separate coats, jackets and shoes for cleaning, donation or the garbage
  14. Organize your shoes in your front hall
  15. Do a thorough dusting and cleaning in your powder room
  16. Upgrade and redecorate your powder room: upgrade toilets, the sink, mirror, lighting or paint colour
  17. Restock your toilet paper, towels and soap dispensers in your bathrooms
  18. Clean out all the garbage cans in your home – including anything stuck on the bottom (a common issue of families with kids chewing gum)
  19. Do a thorough organization of your living room: from shelving units to coffee tables and side tables. Declutter and organize toys, electronics and gadgets.
  20. Clean and dust your living room
  21. Organize your video and game collections
  22. Create a cozy reading nook or mini-library nook in one of your rooms or living room
  23. Dust your dining room furniture and change up tablecloths, runners and table decor.
  24. Clean your kitchen pantries – throw out outdated, stale food. Organize and consolidate.
  25. Organize your kitchen cupboards: throw our old kitchen gadgets that need replacement or that don’t work.
  26. Sort old chipped plates and cups and set them aside for an indoor garden project.
  27. Clean out your fridge: throw out old “science experiments”, and check your freezer for food that needs to be cooked up sooner rather than later.
  28. Plan meals with food that’s nearing it’s best before date
  29. Do a thorough wiping of all of your kitchen cabinets and countertops
  30. Declutter your countertops
  31. Dust your kitchen table and chairs (you’ll be surprised how much dust and crumbs you’ll find in nooks and crannies.
  32. Clean and wash the kitchen and dining area floors.
  33. Clean your oven.
  34. Wash and wipe down all of your windows from the inside
  35. Vacuum and repair window screens as needed
  36. Go through any piles of fliers and junk mail you’ve been holding onto
  37. Go through your “junk” drawer where you place everything “you may need later”
  38. Dust the walls and ceilings: get rid of dust and cobwebs by using a soft cloth attached to a mop.
  39. Clean the baseboards of dust and scuff marks
  40. Do a deep dive clean in your bedroom: change the bedsheets (plus vacuuming of the mattress to remove dust mites), clean under and behind the bed, dust light fixtures, furniture and the baseboards. Don’t forget to dust the ceiling fan if you have one. Finish off with a vacuuming.
  41. Declutter and clean up your toiletries in the bathroom
  42. Clean the shower stall, bathtub and sink; clean the toilets
  43. Dust and clean the floors in your bathrooms.
  44. Replenish toiletries, soap and towels in your bathrooms.
  45. Cleanse your makeup brushes
  46. Throw out old makeup and skincare products that are expired
  47. Shop for new skincare products – check out Inkey List skincare products: affordable, awesome products that I love using!
  48. Clean up your home office: declutter, organize and dust. Vacuum your floors and carpeting.
  49. For families: organize your kid’s toys and bedroom; tackle the closet to remove old clothing they’ve grown out of and need to replace.
  50. Clean the laundry room/mudroom: it can get dusty so vacuum and use microcloths to remove lint and fluff.
  51. Dust and clean all pictures and decor in your home.
  52. Dust your plants! They accumulate fine particles and dust that can prevent them from growing.
  53. Make a list of things you need to replenish in your home – cleaning supplies, paper towels and toilet paper, etc.
  54. Clean your basement: organize, vacuum and dust as needed.
  55. Renovate and upgrade a room’s decor
  56. Paint your rooms a fresh colour
  57. Plan and shop for a decor upgrade (check out our spare bedroom makeover, and check out how you can shop for new home decor on a budget)
  58. Tend to your indoor garden: add soil, and fertilizer and water them as needed.
  59. Sweep your walkways and patio outside.
  60. Wash and clean your outdoor furniture to remove dust and pollution residues
  61. Wash your wood or composite deck
  62. Weed your garden
  63. Trim your lawn and edgings
  64. Trim bushes and trees on your property
  65. Paint your wood fence
  66. Create a composter in your garden for food waste
  67. Set up a mini storage shed for your garden tools
  68. Start researching and planning a DIY renovation project
  69. Begin your reno project!
  70. Head to the hardware store to get inspiration or shop for your home renovation project
  71. Water your plants
  72. Plan your backyard landscaping renovation
  73. Start a landscaping project
  74. Weed your grass
  75. Cut your lawns and trim the edges
  76. Look into getting and installing a rain water barrel
  77. Wash your windows outside
  78. Paint your porch
  79. Clean your exterior light fixtures
  80. Wipe down your doors: pollen and dirt from the rain can accumulate
  81. Organize your garage
  82. Tackle important repair issues in your home that you’ve been putting off
  83. Replace your HVAC air filters on your furnace
  84. Clean your vents and cold air intakes
  85. Research or install a home security system
  86. Declutter and clean your walk-in closet
  87. Do a paint touch-up on scuffed walls and baseboards
  88. Repair broken furniture, items or clothes
  89. Organize your hats and sunglasses
  90. Determine what coats and jackets need to be washed or dry cleaned
  91. Clean and shine your shoes
  92. Replace worn-out shoelaces on your shoes
  93. Organize your towels and linen closet: set aside old towels as cleaning rags
  94. Clean your car’s interior: vacuum, treat (if leather), dust and clean windows
  95. Wash your car’s exterior
  96. Create a home maintenance plan and tracker
  97. Research and create an emergency preparedness kit
  98. Set up a home workout area in your basement or garage
  99. Look into maintenance or upgrade projects you can do with your neighbour
  100. Do easy fixes around your home: broken hinges, tighten up doorknobs, replace broken handles, replace lightbulbs
  101. Check your fire alarm and CO2 detector’s batteries and replace them as needed
  102. Look into getting a solar panel for charging items when there’s a power outage
  103. Take a moment to look at what’s making you angry and unhappy – let go of toxic friendships that are keeping you from being happy and productive
  104. Take a nap – they are truly a smart thing. Grab this blanket (we love the Zonli cool comforter), cuddle up, and take a 15-minute power nap.

| RELATED: How to Clean Your Home When You Have Little Time

Woman cleaning oven top - things to do when feeling bored.

Now You Have Things To Do When You’re Bored

I don’t want to hear any excuses!

I’ve given you lists of fun things to do when bored, and productive things to do when you’re bored.

There should be something in this list that will keep you occupied.

There’s no need to stress out over this little thing.

If you’re still searching, check out these lists:

Also, check out this post on how to get back into productive routines.

QUESTION: Which one of these things to do when bored will you try?


Margaret Bourne is a blog coach and strategist, with over 18 years of experience in marketing and public relations. She helps aspiring bloggers build and grow professional online businesses. A wife, and mom to a little boy, she also occasionally shares lifestyle-related stories through her Suburban Tourist blog.


  1. Wow I love this article! So many of these I haven’t even thought of but I want new ideas to do when I’m bored instead of scrolling through social media! I want to show my daughter there is more to life! I will definitely be pinning this to keep this post close 🤍 thanks for sharing!!!

  2. Personally, when I start to get bored, I love binge watching a tv series or movies, so comforting, especially under a warm blanket during winter… or I clean! But I actually want to improve my photograohy skills so I might actually look for classes or videos on that subject next time I’m bored. Thanks for sharing your list!

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